Saturday, 20 June 2015

Life is a PIN

Our lives are dictated by numbers. Even my daughter has put a door code on her bedroom door!!

Saturday, 13 June 2015

I need a wee

free printable toilets public information sign Why do men hate asking for directions? Just saw a man dragging his son around a department store. The little boy obviously needed a wee but the dad continued to drag him around looking desperately for a loo. Why didn't he just ask the staff? There were plenty of them standing around.

Poor boy. Hope he held on!

Talking about asking and toilets, last week at the school meeting we were reminded that all children should be able to go to the toilet by themselves. Whilst Jo San is fine going to the loo by herself I just hope she will be confident to ask when she needs to go and remembers to actually go when engrossed in her activities.

Another reason why her PE Kit lives at school... back up clothes for days when accidents happen.

Happy Meals

Hong Kong's obsession with Hello Kitty has reached new heights it seems. Now there is even a Hello Kitty Dim Sum restaurant.

Like many young girls my daughter is fascinated with places that are branded with Princesses, cartoon characters etc. Will this place encourage her to try more foods? 

On a recent trip to a local dim sum restaurant she ate three Lotus Paste buns and little else. (She calls these buns 公公飽飽(grandad buns) because the first time she ate them she was at grandad's house.)

I wouldn't call my daughter a fussy eater but she is definitely a grazer. She snacks all day long, mainly on fruit I should add, and then just picks at her main meals. I wonder what will happen come September when she begins school lunches. 

At four years old she is expected to use a knife and fork, sit still and eat a roast dinner. I have witnessed this only a couple of times at home, although the nursery she once attended assured me she was quite capable of doing all that. I have my doubts but peer pressure may prevail.

So, shall I go for the packed lunch or the free school dinners? I do not envy the school having to serve 300 meals in one hour. I would prefer the school dinners as she would get something 'hot' but how do I know if she has eaten anything? So do I go for the packed lunch? What do I put in it? Sandwiches are a miss most days .... So many things to think about.

As September approaches the more emotional I get thinking about my little girl walking through those school gates in her new uniform and starting a whole new life. Watch this space to see who cries first.